After 4 Years, I Can Finally Start Sharing My Game With You. Introducing…The Hardcore Tactical RPG….Grrbls
Hello, hello, hellllooooo!
Welcome to the official Grrbls blog! I’ve been developing a hardcore tactical RPG that let’s you find loot and grind forever with a very rich combat and class system that rewards finding good loot and building good parties. Here’s you’re first sneak peak (this is a dated screen shot but you get the idea) 🙂

This is so out of date it’s not even funny (for example we don’t have tabs anymore and the cards are now text based, and they are white!)
So take the above screen shot with a grain of salt. It’s pretty old and a lot of things have changed, but the spirit of the game is here. I will have newer pictures soon but I figured I’d get this blog started today rather than waiting any longer!
My vision for this game was all about taking every possible thing I could from every RPG I loved growing up and cram it all together wrapped in a card-game system. It was not as easy as I was hoping hahah!
I really should have started this blog years ago but I wanted everything to be perfect — which is obviously stupid but I have my hang ups and being a perfectionist one of them.
So what is this blog? Well here I am going to do my best to document what I am working on up to release day (which I wanted to be about 3 years ago haha).
Why has it taken this long you ask? Am I crazy? The answer to both is YES! (You read that right).
We all know making video games is hard. Programming is hard. Many things are hard. Math. Science. Art. Law. These things are hard and we know it. But I don’t think we know how hard things are. The how hard of making a video game, to me has been, a series of never ending issues which is both interesting and exhausting. But I’ve learned a few things along the way and it’s been an enjoyable creative process.
My background is that at 26 I got decided to reinvent myself as a programmer to make video games. I actually started working on this game 7 years ago, but I went through so many prototypes (and I barely knew how to program for the first year) it didn’t even remotely begin to look like what it is today. It was about 4 years ago that the “real” version of Grrbls as a hardcore tactical loot grinding RPG came to be.
I’ve been working with Unity for 7 years and I have co-authored a book: Unity Games By Tutorials.
So yea, I’ll be sharing more interesting nuggets about the game, but most importantly I just want to share what I’m working on here with you (and not worry about perfect). I’ll share my game design process (and details on my 120 page GDD which I’ve re-written dozens of times), some programming tricks I’ve picked up that have made my life easier, and any and everything I can think of as it relates to my journey.
This blog will not be super fancy (but I admit I’m still going to try to make it so), but just be real and share what I’m doing and allow you to ask me anything you’d like. It might even break from time to time as I try to add features and such, so my apologies if you run into a snag.
If you are one of the super early readers of this, I thank you, and I welcome you to the conversation. Are you working on a game as well? Share with me what you’re doing. Ask questions. Suggest posts. This is not TV, talk and I will reply.
I look forward to sharing this journey with you.
P.S. My name is Anthony Uccello!
Nice! Can’t wait to read your next blog post.
On a high level, what are the next steps required to bring this game to the public?
Yo James!
Next high levels steps:
-Produce as much interesting content related to the game as possible
-Post videos & share
-Sync with other game devs
-Contact gaming sites and share details of our game
-Engage let’s players to feature the game on YouTube
-Possibly Kickstarter
Congrats on getting your blog up and running!
I’m looking forward to reading more about Grrbls and see howing it progresses. At the moment I don’t have any games in development, however I have parked a bunch to the side in the past. Maybe I’ll pick them up in the future.
One thing I did enjoy writing about on my own blogs was specific features, or honing in on one particular item in the game I was developing. It can make for short structured posts that can be interesting to read, especially if its something cool that others could use or adapt in their own games.
Hi Sean,
Thanks for sharing. Where is your blog located? And yes I agree doing some posts on specific features will be a key idea moving forward.